Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Battle Cry
"Reach the lost, teach the host and to worship God is the most!"
Join us as we gather and submerge in the word of God by our various events throughout the week.
All My Stories
Need Prayer?
Robertson Hall 898 Henderson Hwy Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2K 3T4
(204) 898-9197
Hi, We are Marcelo and Catherine!
So good to have you here.
It is our joy to be able to connect with you and share the love of Jesus. Our church [ Winnipeg Foursquare Gospel Church] is composed of different ethnic groups and people that were bonded together by the love of God. Everyone has different stories to tell but the common thing we all agree with is Christ Jesus, who reached out to each one of us and loved us without measure. We believe that God intends to save everyone, so we would like to involve all of His people to minister and share His marvelous grace to anybody that needed it. You could be that person. Welcome.

Feeling Blessed?
All donations go towards the continual growth of Winnipeg Forsquare Gospel Church.